Friday, October 21, 2005
In Call Center

I can tell from my heart, I don't miss the work, but you guys, yep, I miss you.
One night in Cologne

Elenita, Felipin, Cristal and myself of course.
Berlin on end of July 2005

In front of the "Deutscher Dom", with a fabulous weather, nice friends all around and THIS unforgettable night, hehe. But be careful: this is an evangelical temple!!! ;-)))
At lake Bodensee

Bernadette gave us a warm welcome and this pic is with her brothers and the mexican mafia.
Volunteers mess at Tanzbrunnen

On Monday after Marienfeld, all volunteers came together for the last time. Very sad moments of saying goodbye...
Famous night in my car

Everybody prepared for to sleep, sweating like in finnish sauna, but at the shore of a wonderful lake in the Austrian Alpes.
"Crêperie Princesse" in Paris

A good business with the perfect name :-).
"El pasillo de la pereza"

This is the floor, we came together in the evening, after work (haha). We talked a lot there and had a lot of fun and some poor guys came in contact with whiskas for the first time in their life. Oh, even the tasty milk is on this pic! :-)
Some friends wrote me, that they might wish to expand my photo collection of WYD. Ok, so let it be!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
In Maries kitchen

In september I spent some weeks in Paris and we met the super nice family of Marie (the girl in the middle). Hernán y Marie, muy pronto se verán de nuevo. I liked the time staying with you.
Mexican cuisine
In the kitchen with Arantza, Mimiii, Vianney, Sandrita, Kathrin, Rox and Millán. Mmmmm, this time, I could forget Sodexho ;-).
In front of the Kölner Dom

Ayyy, the flag of mexican-luxembourgish friendship :-). You can see me together with Millán, Sandriiita, Mariel and Cristal. Thanx Mariel for this nice shot ;-)
El tianguis

In hostel reception, the coolest market ever opened, low budget prices ;-), with Rossana, Hernán, Cristal and Mariel.
In August 2005 we all came together to celebrate a weekend with the Holy Father Benedict XVI.
My English group

WYDs finest people!!! We've worked together for about three weeks. WYD representation from Thailand, USA, El Salvador, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg (myself ;-) and Poland. I miss you a lot. See you in Sydney 2008!
In front of the Station Hostel

With Kathleen, a really nice woman from Honduras. I hope everything is fine in Europe. Hope to see you soon.
Well, if you might guess, that these are all friends from WYD, you are absolutely wrong, actually these are only a few, but I don't have one pic with everybody, so this must be enough.
Castle of Neuschwanstein

My friends with whom I realized a cool trip to Southern Germany: Sandrita (this time without her cat), Valerio and Millán. On the day we later slept in the car :-). Nice memories.
In Heidelberg at the bridge

Without comments. This one is really cute. You can observe the princess with her two cats ;-).
Peinado a la francesa

Hahahaha, to tell the truth, I really look out of my mind on this pic, but I like it anyway. Taken in october with Cristal. To remember the french art of hair style :-)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Munich central place
On end of August, we have been to the capital of Bavaria. You can see me together with three very close friends: Valerio, Millán and Sandrita. I miss you a lot.