Tuesday, October 03, 2006
La Palma, maximum-security prison
The worst place to end in México is behind fences in the little town Almoloya de Juárez, Edo. de México, west to México City. In this place we'll find the maximum-security prison "La Palma". I don't know, why they gave it such a beautiful name, but in any case, you don't wanna find out :-).

A list of "famous" inmates and their criminal background:
Osiel Cárdenas Guillén: chief of the Gulf Cartel ... transporting drugs to the US ... responsible for various assassinations ... behind his organization are "Los Zetas", a fully-armored group of paramilitary-like murderers acting on his behalf ... brothers Ezequiel and Mario in charge now.
From the Gulf Cartel other important inmates are Gilberto García Mena "El June", Óscar Malherbe de León or Rogelio González Pizaña "El Kelin".
Benjamín Arellano Félix: mastermind of the Tijuana Drug Cartel ... operating mainly at Tijuana border in northwestern México ... locked up since March 2002 ... ordered various assassinations ... extremely dangerous ... his whole family is involved ... brother Ramón was shot by the Sinaloa cartel ... brother Javier arrested in 2006 on a yacht ... brother Francisco in a US maximum-security prison ... brother Eduardo in charge now.
Other representatives of the Tijuana Cartel in La Palma are Jesús Labra Avilés "El Chuy", Ismael Higuera Guerrero "El Mayel" and Óscar López Rochin "El R-1".
Mario Villanueva Madrid: ex-governor from the State of Quintana Roo ... accused of trafficking for the Juárez Cartel ... most prominent politician arrested.
Daniel Arizmendi López "El Mochaorejas": chief of a whole group of kidnappers ... they cut the ears of their 24 victims and sent them to their families ... 3 kidnapped were killed later ... extremely violent person.
Alcides Ramón Magaña "El Metro": he is one of the most important men in the Juárez Cartel which was led by Amado Carrillo Fuentes (until his death in 1997). With Amado Carrillo actually everything started and after his death the Cartels were formed, split up and now they are in war against each other.
Adán Segundo Pérez Canales and Jesús Gutiérrez Rebollo from the Juárez Cartel are imprisoned as well.
Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo "Don Neto", Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo "El Padrino": the czars of cocaine during the eighties ... Miguel is the uncle of the Arellano Félix brothers.
Both are old men, gangster in their 50ies, who started the Guadalajara Cartel, which got large amount of cocaine from Colombia.
The brothers Jesús and Luis Ignacio Amezcua Contreras: the family Amezcua Contreras runs the Colima Cartel at the Pacific Coast.
Jesús Castro Pantoja "El Pantoja": last prominent survivor of the Sinaloa Cartel after the assassinations (scroll down a little bit).
Andrés Caletri "El Italiano": a very dangerous bank robber and kidnapper.
Marcos Tinoco Gancedo "El Coronel": 12 victims kidnapped ... he cut the little finger and sent them to their families ... in prison since March 2000.
Carlos Morales Gutiérrez "El Águila": head of the Neza Cartel and biggest narcotics distribuitor in México City's Nezahuacóyotl suburb (called Nezayork or "México's Bronx")
Nicanor Guzmán González "El Nica": boss of a brutal kidnapper gang ... counted on the help of some policemen.
Mario Aburto Martínez: assassin of presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio in the election year 1994. It was sure that he would get elected as president. Nobody still knows who ordered it.
Daniel Aguilar Treviño: assassin of PRI party general secretary José Francisco Ruíz Massieu.
Arturo Guzmán Loera "El Pollo", brother of drugpin Joaquín Guzmán "El Chapo" who could escape maximimun-security prison Puente Grande, Jalisco in 2001, was murdered in 2004 by the alliance of Cárdenas-Arellano in La Palma prison, alongside with two other high ranking members of the Sinaloa Cartel, Miguel Ángel Beltrán Lugo "El Ceja Güera" and Alberto Soberanes Ramos "El Socorro".
Still on the list of the "most wanted" are Joaquín Guzmán Loera "El Chapo", Ismael Zambada "El Mayo", José Albino Quintero Meraz "El Beto", Juan José Esparragoza Moreno "El Azul" and a lot more :-(

A list of "famous" inmates and their criminal background:
Osiel Cárdenas Guillén: chief of the Gulf Cartel ... transporting drugs to the US ... responsible for various assassinations ... behind his organization are "Los Zetas", a fully-armored group of paramilitary-like murderers acting on his behalf ... brothers Ezequiel and Mario in charge now.
From the Gulf Cartel other important inmates are Gilberto García Mena "El June", Óscar Malherbe de León or Rogelio González Pizaña "El Kelin".
Benjamín Arellano Félix: mastermind of the Tijuana Drug Cartel ... operating mainly at Tijuana border in northwestern México ... locked up since March 2002 ... ordered various assassinations ... extremely dangerous ... his whole family is involved ... brother Ramón was shot by the Sinaloa cartel ... brother Javier arrested in 2006 on a yacht ... brother Francisco in a US maximum-security prison ... brother Eduardo in charge now.
Other representatives of the Tijuana Cartel in La Palma are Jesús Labra Avilés "El Chuy", Ismael Higuera Guerrero "El Mayel" and Óscar López Rochin "El R-1".
Mario Villanueva Madrid: ex-governor from the State of Quintana Roo ... accused of trafficking for the Juárez Cartel ... most prominent politician arrested.
Daniel Arizmendi López "El Mochaorejas": chief of a whole group of kidnappers ... they cut the ears of their 24 victims and sent them to their families ... 3 kidnapped were killed later ... extremely violent person.
Alcides Ramón Magaña "El Metro": he is one of the most important men in the Juárez Cartel which was led by Amado Carrillo Fuentes (until his death in 1997). With Amado Carrillo actually everything started and after his death the Cartels were formed, split up and now they are in war against each other.
Adán Segundo Pérez Canales and Jesús Gutiérrez Rebollo from the Juárez Cartel are imprisoned as well.
Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo "Don Neto", Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo "El Padrino": the czars of cocaine during the eighties ... Miguel is the uncle of the Arellano Félix brothers.
Both are old men, gangster in their 50ies, who started the Guadalajara Cartel, which got large amount of cocaine from Colombia.
The brothers Jesús and Luis Ignacio Amezcua Contreras: the family Amezcua Contreras runs the Colima Cartel at the Pacific Coast.
Jesús Castro Pantoja "El Pantoja": last prominent survivor of the Sinaloa Cartel after the assassinations (scroll down a little bit).
Andrés Caletri "El Italiano": a very dangerous bank robber and kidnapper.
Marcos Tinoco Gancedo "El Coronel": 12 victims kidnapped ... he cut the little finger and sent them to their families ... in prison since March 2000.
Carlos Morales Gutiérrez "El Águila": head of the Neza Cartel and biggest narcotics distribuitor in México City's Nezahuacóyotl suburb (called Nezayork or "México's Bronx")
Nicanor Guzmán González "El Nica": boss of a brutal kidnapper gang ... counted on the help of some policemen.
Mario Aburto Martínez: assassin of presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio in the election year 1994. It was sure that he would get elected as president. Nobody still knows who ordered it.
Daniel Aguilar Treviño: assassin of PRI party general secretary José Francisco Ruíz Massieu.
Arturo Guzmán Loera "El Pollo", brother of drugpin Joaquín Guzmán "El Chapo" who could escape maximimun-security prison Puente Grande, Jalisco in 2001, was murdered in 2004 by the alliance of Cárdenas-Arellano in La Palma prison, alongside with two other high ranking members of the Sinaloa Cartel, Miguel Ángel Beltrán Lugo "El Ceja Güera" and Alberto Soberanes Ramos "El Socorro".
Still on the list of the "most wanted" are Joaquín Guzmán Loera "El Chapo", Ismael Zambada "El Mayo", José Albino Quintero Meraz "El Beto", Juan José Esparragoza Moreno "El Azul" and a lot more :-(
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