Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Eugenics Movement and their dark connections to the past

Since a longer time, Eugenics is an interesting field for me to read about ideas and their authors. Eugenics can be put in a direct line with Euthanasia, a phenomenon on the way to get legalized in several "Western countries". As a strong believer in faith, I am of course opposed to euthanasia and to every form of the so called individuals "right to death". It doesn't fit. You do not have the right to live, you just live and you do not have the right to die, you just die. But people and some reknown scientists since maybe 200 years, took the decision to change this opinion. They started the eugenics movement, a social philosophy, which has its roots in the liberal French Revolution and their following years. Wikipedia says:
The purported goals have variously been to create healthier, more intelligent people, save society's resources, and lessen human suffering.
Brilliant, this statement :-). The commonly described founder has been Francis Galton, the half-cousin of Charles Darwin (whom I will depict in later articles). Since 1865 Galton investigated in how to improve human genetic qualities by trying to erradicate genetic defects based upon science.

I must ask: what a "science" is this one? Can we erradicate genetic defects anyway?

The answer must be NO. We can't. Genetic defects are proofs of the diversity of human creatures and our Creatures will. The people who are inflicted, but even more the people surrounded, their life get changed dramatically (I know). Parents receiving a son or daughter with horrible genetic defects will have a different life forever. But from numerous sources, we know, most parents love their kids despite the defects. Their love might be even deeper. Their lifes change dramatically, but in most cases, they change for good. That is the positive stand.

Watch into the connections of eugenics, euthanasia and the Nazi Regime. They are close by! Today, in relevant books there are still mentioned several "scientists", who advocated for the "cleansing of unuseful elements" during the Nazi Regime, like Alfred Hoche or Karl Binding. In effect, the Nazis established the T 4 Action, a programm to eliminate persons suffering from mental diseases, making the hospital beds free for wounded soldiers during World War II. Under the T 4 Action, around 100 thousand people were killed, almost all the families not agreeing with the killing of their beloved.

That kind of eugenics has been declared "negative eugenics" by the scientist World. What is "positive eugenics"? It is euthanasia, the so called individual aim to die. Don't get fooled. When someone tries to say, that during Nazi Regime it was the State's will to kill undesired elements and nowadays it is the desire of every individual, I'll like to ask you seriously: Who is behind? Isn't it politics (the State) who support this ideology?

So then, where is the difference between T 4 and today euthanasia?

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